Sunday, July 17, 2011


During the last federal election, I was asked by the Vancouver Sun to participate in an online blog "Family Matters" dealing with political issues from a family perspective.  Following that, the Vancouver Sun asked us to participate in a story theywere preparing on the HST.  We were asked to keep our receipts for a few weeks to see how the HST was impacting our spending.

A few weeks ago the story ran in the Vancouver Sun.

 As I was looking at my ballot yesterday, I was still not sure how I was going to vote.  I see the merit to switching to one tax.  I think the government treated the people of BC with disdain in the way that they implemented it.  The government is still engaged in serious fear mongering and distribution of (at best) slanted information.  The HST was a clear cash grab and hidden transfer of tax burder from business to individuals.  The Fight HST side has shown itself to be little more than an aging former politician who is having a glorous run in the spotlight.

The most persuasive information on the HST (and I think factually honest) is a u-tube video by UBC law student Chris Thompson.  Congrats to Chris (who I don't know and never met) for producing something that appears to be information without a political swing.  If you have not seen the video, check it out.

For me, perhaps the deciding factor was Bill Vander Zalm's thoughtless and hollow response to Chris's compelling video.   Vander Zalm essentially resorted to childish name calling.  The answer seemed to me to be illogical and vain.  It did more to discredit Vander Zalm's message than a substantive answer.  In fact, it made me realize that there probably wasn't a substantive answer to Chris's criticisms.  Here is Vander Zalm's response:

Decide for yourself!!

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